YANIV SNEOR – President

Yaniv Sneor is a (reformed) physicist, who made the transition into the business world after being bitten by the entrepreneurial bug.

Yaniv is one of the founders of MABA – Mid Atlantic Bio Angels (bioangels.net) a life science angel investor group.  MABA also orchestrates regular life science pitching events (1stpitchlifescience.com), which began in NYC and have since expanded to other states.

Yaniv has been involved in founding, growing, managing and re-engineering companies for the past 20+ years, in multiple industries. He ran companies of different sizes and at different life-stages (startup, re-engineering, mature).

Yaniv has led re-structuring activities – improving operations and increasing efficiency and profitability. He purchased and sold several companies, and negotiated and integrated joint ventures and strategic relationships. In the process, he performed numerous market and technology due diligence on products and companies, as well as buyer- and seller-side legal and financial due diligence.

He orchestrated and implemented numerous technology commercialization programs, and negotiated and executed a variety of licenses.



Over the years, we have had the good fortune to work with a number of very smart, talented and experienced individuals, and we regularly get them involved in Blue Cactus projects – depending on the nature of the assignment and its needs.  We are happy to provide bios for our associates, prior to their involvement in a project.